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Mixed Colour Splatter

Mixed Colour Splatter

An truly exceptionally Vibrant example of what a Mixed Colour Splatter should look like.  A completely fresh and unique artistic example of a one off Ink Splatter. The mixture of all of the main core primary colours make this a wonderful example of a randomly beautiful piece of Art Work.  

Welsh Scenery

Welsh Scenery

These photo images are without doubt breath taking, stunning and simply beautiful. The Welsh scenery often brings life into the soul, however the following images from a small town called Llandudno, are perfect examples of just how wonderful the scenery is in Wales.

Soft Watercolor

Soft Watercolor

This beautiful example of a watercolor offers something quite different to the Art world. The delicate undertone of soft and smooth light colors, is quite basic, and quite exquisite at the same time. A superb example of what can be achieved with light strokes from an artists paint pallet.

Purple Ink Pattern

Purple Ink Pattern

A wonderful example of purple ink, evolving into a unique and stunning image. The body of the pattern is quite sensational, as well as being very easy on the eye. A great example of what nature can provide in a dissolving ink style image.

Flower Collage

Flower Collage

If you appreciate the colors that Nature produces, then you will adore this beautiful vintage flower collage. The vibrant colors blend perfectly into what can only be described as a stunning representation of what is wonderful in our world.

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